Shaman Stone
from South Central Utah
Shaman Stones, also known as Moqui (Moki) Marbles, are iron ions wrapped around grains of sand. Groundwater carried these ions through the Navaho Sandstone of southern Utah and as the groundwater diminished the ions connected, eventually resulting in concretions that could no longer absorb the groundwater. The resulting iron concretions are about 83% sandstone, 15.2% iron, with the remaining combination of aluminum, manganese, titanium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, zirconium, and barium (all in the .01 to .1% range) and trace amounts of lead, copper, vanadium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and silver. Sizes range from about a half inch to two inches.
Metaphysically, Shaman Stones are powerful Earth element allies that facilitate deep journeys into the realm of Nature. They enhance shamanic journeys to the lower world and assist one in accessing the consciousness of the beings who share our planet with us. They act as protective allies for one's psychic senses and one's physical body while one is journeying in other realms or dimensions. They will prevent stray energies or entities from attaching to the physical and energetic bodies while one's consciousness is focused elsewhere.
Shaman Stones are helpful in overcoming the fear of death and the fear of pain, freeing one to pursue one's path without limitation. They are powerful teachers of the permanence of Spirit and the transience of the body. They are stones for the ascetic, helping one learn to overcome physical discomfort in the search for spiritual enlightenment. Above information borrowed from The Book of Stones
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from the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Sphene is a stone of mental energy and works vibrationally to clear the mind and stimulate the thinking process. It is an excellent stone for clearing the mind and helping one to move quickly into whatever work or creative endeavors are on the agenda. For those who resonate with Sphene, it can take the place of one's morning cup of coffee. Place the stone on the third-eye chakra and go into a two-minute meditation, allowing the energies of the stone to move into the brain. This can be quite refreshing and it can last throughout the day.
Sphene quickens and stimulates all mental abilities and is an excellent ally when one is studying or reading, trying to tkae in a great deal of new information. It assists memory and also helps one make connections between the new material and one's base of knowledge.
Even as Sphene stimulates the mind, it also empowers the will. As a brilliant stone of the pure Golden Ray, it can activate the solar plexux chakra, increaing one's capacity to manifest one's projects, dreams, and desires. Its energy in this area is quite down to Earth so it moves one's thoughts in the direction of practical solutions.
Sphene works harmoniously with Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Lazulite, and Sodalite for stimulation of mental abilities. For greater emphasis on will, Sunstone and Citrine are excellent allies. To help focus on the Golden Ray and the mystical connection to Christ consciousness, Imperial Topaz works well with Sphene.