Medicine Bags / Pouches
Hand Crocheted in Guatemala 100% Cotton
Average size 3 x 4" with 12-14" drawstring, long enough to wear around neck or wind the bag.
Multi-Colored, Sorry, No Choice |
Average 3" wide |
Average Size 3" x 4" |
These beautiful and unique bags are on sale for the month of June!
Go to our Sale Page to get the best price!
Multiple options available One, Two, Five, Ten, Twenty-five, Fifty, or One Hundred
Lovely, well made pouches
Healing Stone KITS MEDICINE BAGS Prepacked in a hand crocheted bag with identifying label
All photos are representative. Your kit will be hand selected; the same type and size of stones, but not the exact stones in the photo. All kits are packaged in a hand crocheted bag similar to that in the photo.
ANGEL STONES Four hand-selected stones to assist one in communicating with the angels during meditation.
ANGELITE Enhances telepathic communication as well as contact with Divine Beings. Opens a pathway for channelling and encourages the conveyance of love and light. Aligns physical with etheric bodies. MILKY TOPAZ Assists communcation with Nature Spirits LABRADORITE Bringer of light. Raises our consciousness and connects us with Universal Energies. Deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy pilfering. BLUE CALCITE Amplifies energy, particularly in the realms of communication and thought and assists in remembering astral travel and channeling experiences.
LOVE Six hand-selected stones to calm, reassure, and give appreciation and love of self. They will open the door to sensitivity and strengthen empathy, restore trust, and create inner harmony. If you've never received love, a path will open. If you've lost love, comfort will be offered. If damaged by an unhealthy relationship, negativity will be stripped away and be replaced with self-trust and self-worth.
BLUE LACE AGATE As with all agates, a protective stone. An inspiring stone that assists in inner attunement. SARDONYX Stimulates self control and protection. RHODONITE Opens one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. It is also a calming stone. Rhodonite is also a stone of contrasts. The bright pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love. The shiny black indicates grounding energy. This stone can help one have a passionate love that is also grounded. NEPHRITE JADE A stone of the heart and considered to be good for emotional balance and stability. CLEAR QUARTZ A power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in. ROSE QUARTZ A stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance.
ELEMENTS OF NATURE Five hand-selected stones representing Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Storm, and Light.
Have you ever noticed the freshness and clarity that is left in the wake of a storm? The very air is charged with energy, and the Earth and Nature itself seems renewed and cleansed. Have you ever needed a shower just to 'feel human' after a particularly nasty day? What about leaning into a spring wind, feeling as though you could soar to heaven? The natural world is a powerhouse of energy, expressing itself in the natural elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Storm. In our modern world, we have separated ourselves from these forces, leaving us feeling drained and disconnected from our own personal power. The practice of elemental shamanism is a powerful process of reconnection with the strengthening forces of nature. Connecting with the elemental forces is an opportunity to tap into the incredible power of the four natural elements and use their particular energies to affect change and healing on the physical plane. In addition to the four natural elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind, the practitioner also utilizes the powers of Storm (all four elements in unity) and Light (the full spectrum of electromagnetic energies, not just the physical or visible spectrum).
HEMATITE / EARTH Each particular elemental force has it's own set of talents. The Element of Earth is a stabilizing force, and is useful in manifestation and in the process of bringing ideas into reality, especially where survival and physical needs are present. SUNSTONE / FIRE Fire is the element of action and transformation. It is related to our sexual and creative energies as expressed through physical action. This is the ruling element of Life force energy. BLUE CALCITE / WATER The third element is that of Water, which rules over our emotions and ability to communicate. Water energy is related to the blood and fluids of the body, and is useful in counteracting an excess of fire energy (such as anger). PIETERSITE / WIND The fourth element is Wind. This element is related to the mental processes, and is the element that carries guidance from the spirit world and higher realms. STORM When all four elements are in balance, the body is full of energy and vitality. In our natural state of interaction with the natural world, we absorb and interact with the elements constantly, enabling us to maintain balance. When we become disconnected from the natural elements, however, it becomes difficult for us to draw upon these natural powerhouses for energy. SODALITE / LIGHT A stone of truth, logic, rationality, and efficiency. Helpful in working with groups.
It is interesting to me that we can accept the idea of renewable energy resources for electricity and mechanical power, but we have difficulty with the notion that we may need these sources of energy for proper physical and mental functioning as well.
GOOD LUCK KIT Five hand-selected stones
AMAZONITE Builds self-esteem DRAVIDE (Champagne Tourmaline) Fosters prosperity and success. Protects and shields the holder from negativity. CITRINE Promotes success and abundance, especially in business and commerce AVENTURINE A very positive stone that brings prosperity. Promotes self confidence and perseverance. MOONSTONE Enhances perception which allows one to make decisions that further developments. Brings confidence and composure.
The items on this page will all ship USPS FIRST CLASS with Delivery Confirmation (around $2.25) unless you choose otherwise (Priority Mail)
To build your own personalized kits, please see my Tumbled Stones pages
DREAMER'S KIT Five hand-selected stones for those who wish to remember their dreams at night. Keep near the bed or beneath the pillow and over time your dreams will become clearer.
AMETHYST Deemed "Nature's Tranquilizer," this stone relaxes not only the mind but the nervous system. SODALITE A stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. PRENITE Eases worries and restlessness of all kinds. Aids spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone. It is also known as a stone of prophesy which stimulates inner-knowing. LEPIDOLITE A stone of calm and trust. Is used for dreamwork and dream recall. SCOLECITE Functions as a team stone to bring all of the above together. Harmonizes and improves communication between different energies.
PERSONAL POWER Five hand-selected stones for intuition, spiritual growth, and inner peace.
EMERALD A stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication, and promotes truthfulness. NEPHRITE JADE Nephrite Jade is a stone of the heart. It is also considered to be good for emotional balance and stability. Jade of all kinds is a very protective stone and is particularly good protection for children, against illness, and for psychic protection. It has energetic clearing properties, and is useful to keep with other stones. AMETHYST Brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. It has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness. SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN A stone of serenity and purity and can shield against negativity. Gives protection from physical and emotional harm. CITRINE Enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness and will power. Alleviates depression and self-doubt, and diminishes irrational mood swings due to the effect of mental clarity it has.
PROTECTION Five hand-selected stones for use when someone is trying to sabotage your psyche and lead you to harm. Use as the ultimate shield from unwanted negative energies.
HEMATITE has long been a stone representing war and was thought to protect warriors and make them invincible in battle. SMOKY QUARTZ A protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. MALACHITE Keep under your pillow to ward off nightmares. It is one of the few stones that can clear and activate all chakras. It absorbs negative energy from the auric field by cleansing it, thus balancing the wearer and protecting them from the effects negative energies. SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN All Obsidian is extremely protective and Snowflake Obsidian is considered especially protective to women. SODALITE A stone of truth, this is particularly useful for honesty of emotions.
CIRCULATION These five hand-selected stones warm easily to the touch and have been known to increase the circulation of the blood and get oxygen to parts of the body where it is needed to help you warm up.
BRECCIATED JASPER Helps increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration BLOODSTONE A purifier of the blood and a general detoxification of organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and spleen. HEMATITE Natural ferric oxide. Improves all blood disorders, helps coagulation. GARNET Is regenerative and revitalizing, strengthening the blood and helping with anemia and circulatory problems. CARNELIAN Alleviates blood poisoning, fever, infection, and nose bleeds.
CHAKRAS Seven hand-selected stones for each chakra.
Chakras are specific energy locations in the body, portals, that regulate the flow of energy through the body.
RED JASPER - Root chakra: This is the first and lowest chakra, located in the perineum (six inches below the soles of your feet). It governs your basic survival instincts. The root chakra is represented by the color red. CARNELIAN - Sacral chakra: This second chakra is located level to your naval, and governs your creative and emotional energies. It's represented by the color orange. AMBER - Solar plexus chakra: The third chakra is located at about the same level as the bottom of your sternum. It governs your energy and activity levels. It's represented by the color yellow. JADE-Heart chakra: The fourth chakra, located at heart level, is said to govern love and relationships. It's represented by the color green, but can progress to rose for those who learn to love unconditionally. SODALITE - Throat chakra: This fifth chakra governs your ability to communicate and take action. It's represented by the color blue. AMETHYST - Brow chakra: Chakra number six governs your spirituality, intuition and thoughts. It is sometimes referred to as the "third eye", and is represented by a deep purple color. QUARTZ - Crown chakra: This seventh and final chakra governs understanding and wisdom. It is represented by either violet or white.
MATERNITY Four hand-selected stones to help with fertility, conception, and pregnancy symptons. If already pregnant, kit will help with morning sickness, stomach discomfort, and help maintain a healthy reproductive system.
CARNELIAN Because of its connection to the 2nd Chakra, New Age healers believe Carnelian to be instrumental in maintaining health in the lower abdomen. They use it to treat impotence, menstrual cramps, infertility associated with this region. MOONSTONE A stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy UNAKITE Benefits the heart, circulatory system, female reproductive system, male reproductive system (to a lesser extent), and ease pregnancy. QUARTZ A power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone.