The single most important improvement to tumbling in the last fifty years!
Extra large ceramic tumbling media
This is fast cutting ceramic so you should probably only use this in the coarse stage.
3/8" x 1 1/8"
Large (3/8 x 3/4") Ceramic Media
Used for cushioning and filler when tumbling. This is abrasive so only use in coarse stages or it's also excellent for tumbling metal parts, car parts, nuts, bolts, etc.
Note: Ceramic Media lasts quite a while, but it does grind away eventually.
Warning: If using brand new media in the polish stage you must run the media in water for 24 hours to make sure any sharp edges have been removed.
Mixed Ceramic Media
for tumbling
Our most popular ceramic
This is mixed small and medium ceramic media for filling all of the spaces between your stones. When your rocks are tight, you get a better grind.
It is recommended that when using TXP tumble polish, these pellets be used to not only help cushion the stones, but better carry the polish throughout the tumble.
When polishing Apache Tears, use this media in all stages.
When using a vibratory tumbler, use size small to fill the spaces (if you don't have small rock).
Large media measures 3/8 x 5/8", Small media measures 3/16 x 3/8"
Plastic Pellets
Our pellets are HDPE - High Density PolyEthylene. Many of the other pellets in the market just won't hold up as well as these will. They are white to clear and usually round and flat like a little pancake. They are about 1/8" across. MADE IN USA
Plastic pellets are often used in tumbling to cushion delicate stones and keep them from chipping. A good example would be amethyst points or Apache tears. Plastic pellets can be used many times; just be sure to use a different batch of pellets with different sizes of grit. If residue of one grit is left on the pellets and they are used with another sized grit, you could contaminate the tumble.
To separate and save the pellets for another use, empty the tumbler into a bucket of water - the pellets will float to the top. Place into a strainer, rinse, and when dry, store for the next use. Don't forget to mark the bag with the size of grit they ran with!
| Red Rouge / Walnut Shell BRASS POLISH Super hard, ground, Black Walnut shell and red rouge. Perfect for cleaning and polishing brass shell casings, jewelry, or any brass parts that can fit in a tumbler barrel. Add walnut shell to the tumbler with a small amount of red rouge. Run for a few minutes until shell is rouge coated. You won't need very much - 1/2 tsp at a time! Add your brass parts and run until clean and shiny. This is re-usable for as long as it isn't too cruddy - you will be able to make that determination. A vibratory tumbler is the usual tool but a rotary will also work. It'll just take a little longer. Our packages come in 2 oz rouge with 2.5 lbs walnut shell or 4 oz rouge with 5 lbs walnut shell. (Photo shows only a 1 lb bag of shell)
| Plain Walnut Shell
High Quality Ground, Black Walnut Shell Walnut shell's lack of grit allows it to clean metals, alloys and plastics without scratching or pitting the surface. Walnut shells can remove paint, lacquer, rust, scale, carbon and chemical deposits, and can be used for the deflashing of molded plastic parts. Walnut Shells measure between 3 and 4 on the MOHS scale. To also polish brass, see packages with rouge above. 1 lb, 2.5 lb, 5 lb bags
RED ROUGE Use for BRASS, GLASS, or OBSIDIAN for a gorgeous finish. Powdered. Much easier to work with than rouge sticks
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520 piece jigsaw puzzle. Finished size measures 14 7/8" x 20 3/4" - Turitela and Blue Forest wood from Wyoming, Dryhead Agate from Montana, Flower Garden Agate from Walker Ranch in Texas, Jaspers from Oregon, Crazy Lace agate from Mexico, many more!
The above four hats are great rockhounding hats. They'd be great fishing hats, too. Hats A, B, and C all have a 4" bill. The underside of the bill is dark green, to cut down on reflection from the ground or water. They all have two eyelets on each side of the cap to allow air movement and also have a skirt that extends from one side of the bill around the back to the other side of the bill to cover your ears and the back of your neck. The hats are adjustable by a stretchy string that is secured by a ball clip. All three hats also have a clip to attach to your collar so if the hat flies off it doesn't go any farther than the length of the string. Hats A and B are 100$ polyester and made of a lightweight, fast drying fabric. Hat C is 100% cotton and made of a sturdy cotton duck. Hat D is 100% polyester with camo netting on each side of the cap, a dark green underside of the bill, and a 3 7/8" skirt around the back to cover your neck. Hat D is adjusted by a nylon webbing / buckle. It is secured by a string that is adjusted with a leather lock
This is for the ivory hat with ivory bill, Hat A
| This is for hat B, beige hat with ivory bill
This is for hat C, tan hat with blue bill
| This is for Hat D, tan hat with camo netting