Citrine - Hematite
Citrine has moved to it's own page listed under Individual Stones Directory. Thank you for your patience while we slowly update our website.
FLUORITE from China Crystal healers consider Fluorite one of Nature’s most powerful mental healers. Those who have experienced the power of Fluorite have labeled it the Genius Stone. To them it has the ability to influence the activities that occur on the mental plane of consciousness and amplifies, focuses, expands and creates new pathways for the mind. Mental healers also credit Fluorite with connecting a person’s being on the mental and spiritual plane. This allows it to increase abilities of concentration, discernment of truth and clear decision-making. Other properties include bringing order to mental chaos, increasing objectivity, enhancing creativity, curing mental disorders, easing meditation and freeing one from bad habits. The many colors of Fluorite, according to healers, have different mental healing specialties. Green can energize and still the heart and mind. Blue for inner peace. Purple is for focus and helping to get one out of a mental rut. Yellow is for comprehension and group communication and dynamics. White is for creating pathways between the individual and universal spirit.
EPIDOTE from Brazil
Epidote is a stone of increase. It has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It enhances emotional and spiritual growth, cleanses repressed emotions once and for all, and opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth. Those drawn to epidote are rocked forcefully into spiritual awakening. Epidote also clears the emotional body aura. It stimulates perception, participation and interaction as well as personal power and dispels critcalness and closedmindedness. Epidote is said to promote patience. In the physical realm, it is used to stimulate the immune system, aid digestion, support all healing, and stop panic attacks. (information taken from Wikipedia)
Tumbled epidote is currently sold out. We have more in stock, including crystals and specimens. Please check tarbucky or verdellfarkle on ebay while you wait for us to update this website. Thank you for your patience
EMERALD from Brazil Emerald is a symbol of love and good fortune. This stone is used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. It is used against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination. Most effective on the Heart Chakra, perhaps because it accesses desires held deep within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. It lifts depression, helps with insomnia, knowingness of the heart, and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium.
Emerald is currently sold out. We have more and will try to get some posted here soon.
GARNET from Brazil
Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is used in metaphysics to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said to bring positive thoughts and boost energy, and be excellent for manifestation. It can also assist mystically with success in one's career and building one's self-confidence. It is a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil, and is used for gentle spiritual healing. Lore says that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with other chakras, depending on its color.
Bulk Tumbled red/brown Garnet: Your stone will be hand selected from the stones in the photo above.
| Bulk Garnet, approx 1/2 x 1/2"
Sold out, more coming soon. Please check our garnets page under Individual Stones Index.
HEMATITE from Brazil
Hematite is known as a "stone for the mind". It brings mental organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. It decreases negativity and can help balance the body/mind/spirit. Physically it has been used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia, as well as align the spine and mend broken bones. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra. Carry a piece of hematite in your pockets when surrounded by many crystals, such as at a gem show or metaphysical show to keep you grounded.
Photo shows 8 ounces hematite |
Disclaimer: This information regarding the metaphysical and other properties and purposes of this mineral are provided for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended for diagnosing illness, prescription, or advice and should not replace proper medical attention. Consult your Doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues. Sister's Rocks is not liable for any use or misuse of this information.
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