Marcasite is sometimes mistaken for pyrite, even though their crystal structures are completely different. It's only because marcasite is somewhat rare and pyrite is common and they both have a beautiful metallic lustre. Pyrite's crystal structure is cubic, where Marcasite's is orthorhombric. Clusters of marcasite crystals are called "cockscombs." You will find a lot of marcasite jewelry in the marketplace, but be aware, it is always pyrite. True marcasite is very difficult to find (but we have it!)
Our marcasite crystal nodules, or cockscombs, are from Madagascar. Please understand your cockscomb will be chosen from a bulk lot.
Size 4 is smaller crystals and measures 3/4 to 7/8" average.
Size 6 is a bit larger than 4 and measures 3/4 to 1" average.
Size 8 crystals are a little nicer than 6 and the nodule measures 7/8" to 1 1/8."
Size 10 crystals are the best we have right now. Each piece ranges from 1 to 1 1/8."
We realize most of the photos look pretty much the same .... size four is the smallest and least distinctive crystals. As you go up in size, to size 10, the pieces get a little nicer.
All specimens will have an information card included. Don't wait too long to purchase. We sell in many market places and the supply is limited.