Carnelian is the most well known of the agates. Colors range from palest yellow to deep orange red and red brown, at times with banding, crystal pockets, or black inclusions.
Not only was Carnelian one of the stones on Aaron's Breastplate of Judgement, it also represents the Second / Sacral Chakra. And, it was used by the Egyptians to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife.
Metaphysical: It is believed to calm tempers by establishing self-control, relieve sexual tension and excite sexual energy. In addition, it energizes the blood, protects against illness, and is of benefit to tissue regeneration, inflammations, and infections. A stone of ambition and drive, Carnelian is a Power Stone! An excellent career stone, it is very helpful when choices and decisions must be made. It helps one focus, stimulates curiosity, and is even believed to bring good luck and success.
For a wide selection of tumbling rock, please go to our tumbling rock pages
Rough Carnelian Agate nodules from Brazil (WET) |
Our carnelian agate nodules from Brazil range in size from 1 to 2 1/2 inches and weigh 15 to 40 grams each.
Rough Madagascar Carnelian (WET) |
Carnelian Agate rough from Madagascar ranges in color from white to dark red.
Rough India Carnelian (WET) |
Rough Carnelian Agate from India. Good color. Some banding.
Carnelian Agate Butterfly, measures 1" wide, 3/4" high 3/8" thick. Packaged in soft acrylic velvet storage pouch.
Disclaimer: This information regarding the metaphysical and other properties and purposes of this mineral are provided for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended for diagnosing illness, prescription, or advice and should not replace proper medical attention. Consult your Doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues. Sister's Rocks is not liable for any use or misuse of this information.
Tumbled Carnelian from Namibia |
Bulk Banded Carnelian from Namibia. Not all pieces are banded but 75% are. Very pretty, lighter colored than the Brazil or India carnelian; more of a peach to yellow; some pinkish.
Medium stones range from 1/2 to 1 1/4", large stones range from 7/8" to 2".
AVERAGE Stones per bag: Medium 2oz - 9-12, 4 oz - 14-18, 8 oz - 18-26 Large 2 oz - 3-4, 4 oz - 7-9, 8 oz 15-18
Small chip Carnelian Agate bracelet |
Carnelian Chip bracelet
elastic stretch One Size Fits Most
Chunky Chip bracelet
elastic stretch One Size Fits Most large chunks average 3/8 to 5/8"
Triple Twist Chip bracelet
elastic stretch One Size Fits Most small chips average 1/4"
photo shows 100 carats |
100 cts (20 grams) of tumbled carnelian agate pieces from INDIA, size extra small to small (1/16 to 1/8"), velveteen pouch and metaphysical properties included
Carved Carnelian Agate Elephant Measures 1 x 5/8 x 1/2"