Angelite (Anhydrite) Angelite has moved to it's own page under Individual Stones Directory
APATITE from Brazil Blue Apatite releases the humanitarian in each of us. Helps us along the path of service. Blue Apatite aids in self-expression, communication and creativity. Some say Blue Apatite clears mental confusion. Some like to use Apatite to aid clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and the awareness of other worlds; either devic or outer worlds. Physically, Apatite may decrease hunger, use as an elixir or wear the stone on your person. Blue Apatite helps relieve skin conditions and helps to overcome fatigue.
Bulk Apatite: your stone will be hand selected from the group of stones in the photo above.
Angelite - Chrysoprase
AQUAMARINE from Brazil
Aquamarine is metaphysically known as a stone of courage and fortitude. It is said to assist with quick intellectual response. It gives peace, and shielding for the aura. Aquamarine is reputed to assist with calming communication issues. Mystical and folk lore states that it is attuned to the sea, and protects travelers on water, and sailors. Aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra.
Bulk Aquamarine: Your stone will be hand selected from the group of stones in the photo above.
AVENTURINE from Brazil Aventurine is a gentle stone that gives a sense of calm and balance, and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength.
Photo is of 8 ounces of green aventurine |
For dark green aventurine, please see our listings under Green Quartz
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CHIASTOLITE from China From the andalusite family, chiastolite can help us find our life's purpose, become calm, and alleviate fears and worrying. Aids us in letting go of things we've retained over time. It can help with rheumatic conditions.
Also called the Saint's stone and was given to those on pilgrimages.
Bulk Chiastolite: your hand-selected stone will be chosen from those in the photo above.
Chiastolite is currently sold out. We do have more in storage. Please check back or check our listings on ebay under tarbucky or verdellfarkle
from Australia This is a very powerful stone. It brings good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts and irritability. It also enhances and strengthens friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalizes yin/yang energies and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hearts and remove inferiority or superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Chrysoprase is related primarily to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens, and energizes. It also aligns all of the chakras.
Chrysoprase is currently sold out but we have plenty in storage. Please check back or check our listings on eBay under verdellfarkle or tarbucky. Thank you for your patience
Disclaimer: This information regarding the metaphysical and other properties and purposes of this mineral are provided for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended for diagnosing illness, prescription, or advice and should not replace proper medical attention. Consult your Doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues. Sister's Rocks is not liable for any use or misuse of this information.