Morella smokies are naturally occuring dark grey to black quartz crystals. Not always, but very often they are double terminated and their growth habits are amazing. You think you are looking at one crystal and discover it has divided or there are more attached. These are quite rare and found in one place in the world: Morella, Victoria, Australia. The majority of quartz this dark is irradiated and not natural. Morella smoky quartz crystals are 100% natural.
Metaphysically speaking, Smoky Quartz is protective and grounding. It helps to reduce stress and can turn feelings of fear, anger and other negative emotions into positive energies while calming the user. It is also said to provide clarity of thought, improve intuition and stimulate higher connection in meditative states. As a healing crystal it works well with the base chakra area and surrounding organs. Smoky quartz is also good for self empowerment.
Please note that the Morella crystals are said to carry stronger vibrations than common smoky quartz and have the strength to connect the base chakra to earth star chakra.
Morella E view 1 |
Morella E view 2 |
| 11.4 grams 1 1/8 x 7/8 x 3/4"
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