LEOPARDSKIN JASPER from Mexico Leopardskin jasper is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with one's animal totems or "power" animals. It makes it easier for one to take responsibility properly. Helps with creative visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it is particularly protective during shamanic journeying. Physically it helps eliminate toxins and decrease body odor, and is very helpful in self-healing. It has properties of protecting the third chakra, but is ssociated mainly with the root chakra.
MOOKITE from Australia
Mookite is a jasper named for Mooka creek in the Kennedy range of Western Australia. It is found in the Windalia Radiolarite formation about 600 miles north of Perth. It has wide bands of bright color all together - deep red, maroon, white, yellow, and some brown. Please see below for a photo of a large chunk of rough so you can see how it forms. This piece is approximately a foot wide and weighs about ten pounds. Now you see why Mookite comes in so many colors and so often why the smaller tumbled stones are of only one color. (Not for sale)
Bulk Mookite: Your stone will be hand-selected from the stones in the photo above. If youprefer yellow, red, maroon, or white, let me know. Otherwise I just pick the first one that feels right.
| Average size is 1/2 x 1/2"
More Jasper
RAINBOW JASPER from South Africa
Rainbow jasper is said to ease emotional stress by grounding and balancing. Carry rainbow jasper and feel relaxed and secure.
RED JASPER from China Associated with both Muladhara (Root) and Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakras. A grounding stone and a stone of fairness and justice, it enhances responsibility, choice, and compassion. It enhances dream recall and assists in protection and rescue from danger. Helps use one's energy in a balanced manner, controls passions, and assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.
YELLOW JASPER from Hart Mtn. National Antelope Refuge, Oregon, USA
Yellow jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and balanced in the social arenas and protects one's social welfare. It is associated with the solar plexus (belly) chakra. Yellow jasper is a protective stone that particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.
This photo is of 8 ounces of yellow jasper |
ZEBRA JASPER from South Africa
Zebra Jasper is considered a grounding stone. It keeps one centered with the earth during higher spiritual works. It is said to be important to the 1st, and 4th Chakras and helps with depression and anxiety. Jasper motivates us to move out of apathy and into action. It helps us avoid over-thinking and over analyzing and encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living - now.